Budge Magraw Budge Magraw** Formerly the bassist with the ironically named London band “Gretschen Hofner” and now dark art-house band “The Cesarians” Budge Magraw was born and raised in Poole in Dorset, England, ... Violin Bass 30.11.2020
Used Marco & Dario Klein - Used** Twin brothers Marco & Dario Klein make up the band Used. The twins started playing in a band called The Frogs when they were just 12 years old. The band began with cover ... Verythin Guitar Violin Bass 06.03.2021
Joel Fisk Joel Fisk** A journeyman for all seasons, Joel Fisk is regularly on the road with a variety of different acts, which showcase his unique skills as a guitarist and singer. He first burst onto the rock... 30.01.2021
Steam Powered Giraffe Steam Powered Giraffe** Zero, is played by Bryan Barbarin and he tears up live shows in the band Steam Powered Giraffe with his black Hofner H500/1-CT Contemporary Series Violin Bass Guitar with a cu... Violin Bass 20.11.2020
Brandy Bones Brandy Bones** Brandy "Bones" Anderson-Bates was born in Fairbanks, Alaska, and raised in a tiny town named Florence, Montana just outside of Missoula. Her first instrument was the violin, which she ... 01.11.2020
Bobby Broom Bobby Broom** One of the most innovative and individual jazz guitarists to come out of the U.S. in recent years. His superb technical prowess and ability to improvise over chord changes and progressi... Hofner Archtop 31.10.2020
Will Lee Will Lee** To say Will Lee has done it all in the music business would be quite an understatement. Perhaps best known as the bassist for over two Decades on The Late Show with David Letterman, Will h... Club Bass 16.11.2020
Zach Rudulph Zach Rudulph** Bassist/Musical Director Zach Rudulph hails from the Bay Area in Northern California but now calls Los Angeles home. Zach is a touring machine and an outstanding performer with an infe... Violin Bass 18.11.2020
Jamie Taylor Jamie Taylor** Jamie Taylor is a jazz guitarist based in the North of England, maintaining a busy performing schedule and working along the way with leading musicians across a range of styles, such a... Hofner Archtop 20.11.2020
Don Symes Don Symes** Dom Symes is a bass guitarist from Adelaide, South Australia. His unique approach to the bass guitar as a counterpoint to his impressive vocals have made him an important asset to the eve... Verythin Bass 06.03.2021
Simon Vella Simon Vella** It goes without saying that being a respected musician must involve years of study on at least one particular instrument. That's what Simon has been doing since he was 5, going through ... 20.11.2020
Mikel Irazoki Mikel Irazoki** Spanish bass player and musical director. “From the first song, I fell in love with my Hofner bass.” Mikel is from a small town, Bera, in the north of Spain. He started to play bass ... Violin Bass 11.11.2020